
Yoga Retreats

Practice, patience, perspective

Authentic, affordable, and accessible yoga retreats

My Vinyasa Practice Yoga Retreats are authentic, affordable, and accessible. My Vinyasa Practice is proud to offer retreats both nationally and internationally that meet participants where they are at, and provide opportunities for self reflection and self study. My Vinyasa Practice yoga retreats are designed to give participants an opportunity to shift their energy and perspective. Each retreat is curated and planned exclusively by Michelle with all eight limbs of the yogic practice in mind. Participants can expect time to study, learn and grow, reflect and rest, and most importantly connect with like minded yogis looking to take a break from the doing.

Michelle Young, Tara Cleven, and 8 women yogis in ziplining equipment posing under a shade structure at a park in Hawaii
Puerto Vallarta resort.l
An animated woman who has her hands on the floor, with her legs pointed up and forward under her chin.

We provide national and international yoga retreats that meet participants where they are at, and provide opportunities for self-reflection and self-study.

An animated woman with her head and neck resting on the floor. She is holding her legs straight up in the air using her arms to hold her back.

Each retreat is curated and planned exclusively by Michelle with all eight limbs of the yogic practice in mind. Participants can expect time to study, learn and grow, reflect and rest, and connect with like minded yogis.

An animated woman with her stomach touching the floor. Her arms are stretched behind her, holding her ankles and legs behind her back.

Expect daily meditation and asana practices both morning and evening as well as daily lectures and learning opportunities. We will explore nature, light hiking, floating, and swimming activities.

8 women yogis and one male yogi pose in a sun salutation on the beach in Hawaii with green volcanic mountains and partly cloudy blue sky in the background

Flexible payment options

We also strive to keep our retreats affordable, so we offer two pricing options: a full price option that includes a private shared room and shared bathroom, welcome bag, and excursions along with a donation option that includes a dormitory style shared room and meals only. We also offer payment plans for our yoga and meditation retreats enabling participants to spread the cost of their retreat over several months.

What to expect on retreat

You can expect daily meditation and asana practices both morning and evening as well as daily lectures and learning opportunities. We will explore nature for quiet contemplation and light hiking, floating, or swimming activities that tie back to the theme and teachings of the retreat itself.

Participants will have opportunities to cook, connect, and share meals together and in some settings special guests may be brought in to facilitate these gatherings. Overall, our retreats are a refuge away from the doing culture of North America and an opportunity to go within and connect to the wellspring of healing energy that is your essential nature.

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