
MVP Community

A vibrant community of mindful individuals, coming together to embrace the transformative power of yoga.

A circular photo of a group of women yogis doing yoga on the lawn of the MVP studio

Join our thriving community

Through our diverse range of events, retreats, and classes, we create a sanctuary where peace, balance, and personal growth flourish. Join us on this journey as we find connection through the practice of yoga.”

A group of yogis on the beach during a yoga event.

Events and workshops

Stay up-to-date with all of our exciting offerings by visiting our Events page often. You’ll find all the information you need to sign up for our events and workshops. Here you can build community with like-minded yogis to find harmony, connection, and inner peace.

Transformative Retreats

My Vinyasa Practice yoga retreats are designed to give participants an opportunity to shift their energy and perspective. Each retreat is curated and planned exclusively by Michelle with all eight limbs of the yogic practice in mind. Participants can expect time to study, learn and grow, reflect and rest, and most importantly connect with like minded yogis looking to take a break from the doing

8 women yogis and one male yogi pose in a sun salutation on the beach in Hawaii with green volcanic mountains and partly cloudy blue sky in the background
A woman sitting on a yoga mat, following along to a yoga class

The MVP blog

My Vinyasa Practice online yoga school blog content includes articles on Ayurveda, Yoga Asana, Props, Yoga Therapy, Chakras, Yoga Teacher Training, Online Yoga Teacher Training, Lineage in Yoga, Vinyasa Sequencing, and so much more. We encourage readers to interact with us by commenting and sharing blog articles. 

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