The Power of Mindfulness in Education In a world full of distractions, cultivating mindfulness in education is like planting seeds of focus, self-regulation, and emotional well-being in the hearts and minds of students. It’s no surprise that educators are...
Have you ever felt disconnected, flawed, incomplete, less than, or bound by time and space? These are the five messengers that come up for us all from time to time. Richard Miller, who’s pioneer work with PTSD and iRest is highlighted in various online yoga teacher...
If you type “Mindfulness” into your Google search bar, you’ll find hundreds of articles on the practice and lists of the numerous ways being more mindful can improve your life. There are many studies that prove practicing mindfulness can lower stress, improve...
Yoga and mindfulness are tools for personal development and now the two are getting a lot of attention as viable options for personal development. Yoga teacher training is becoming more affordable and accessible. What once was exclusive and unattainable is available...