
Throat Chakra Vinyasa

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Chakras, Pranayama & Energy

What is your throat chakra? Known in Sanskrit as vishuddha chakra, the throat chakra is represented by the element ether or space. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine. Vishuddha is the fifth of seven and is the first of the three upper, or heavenly chakras. The throat chakra is responsible for communication and self-expression. 

Vishuddha can be understood to mean intensely pure. As an amplifier for sound and catalyst for creativity, the throat chakra is responsible for our ability to clearly express ourselves. The throat chakra is represented by the color turquoise and is associated in yoga with the bija mantra seed sound Ham.   

When the throat chakra is balanced we are able to communicate with integrity. When the head, heart, and words are in alignment, our core values resonate through our speech, thoughts, and written words. In yoga, we call this energetic state of being sattvic. In this state, we are able to confidently practice discernment and can trust our intuition to inform and guide us. 

An imbalanced throat chakra can contribute to issues around speech, honesty, intimacy, communication, and boundaries. 

Where is your throat chakra? The throat chakra is located in the neck at the base of the throat. Its abode is at the intersection of the cervical and thoracic spine. In yogic philosophy, it represents our connection to self-expression, communication, and creative endeavors. You may also see it as representing our contributions to society.  

What affirmations are good for throat chakra? Affirmations are positive statements that confirm something to be true. Affirmations are a helpful tool for improving self-esteem and embodying certain qualities we endeavor to possess. Affirmations can be added to any yoga routine or used as an accessible part of many self-care rituals. You can introduce affirmations first thing in the morning, before practice, or anytime throughout the day as a way to connect and reground. Affirmations for the throat chakra include:

  • I communicate with integrity.
  • My voice sings the song of my heart.
  • My words are a reflection of my heart’s truest desire.
  • It is my right to be heard. 
  • I speak clearly and true. 

What poses are good for throat chakra? Poses that open the front body and bring awareness to the neck can help stimulate the throat chakra. Poses like cobra, sphinx, sukhasana with lion’s breath, king dancer, dynamic bridge, and supported camel are all wonderful for vishuddha chakra. Finding an intentional seat and practicing mantra or bhramari pranayama (humming bees breath) could be beneficial as well.

Throat chakra vinyasa flow

This throat chakra mini vinyasa flow could be beneficial before a first date, interview, or public speaking event. If you’re finding it hard to express yourself throughout the day, try setting aside five minutes to stimulate the throat chakra with the breath and subtle movement. Enjoy alongside some herbal ayurvedic tea or warm water with lemon. As always, you may incorporate any suitable yoga props


  • Come to tadasana from the waist up, finding intentional length in the spine. Release the chin down and back bringing the ears over the shoulders and breathe. 
  • Option to bring the hands to heart center, or, you can touch the thumb and second finger, releasing the backs of hands to thighs finding akash mudra, the mudra for space. 
  • Begin breathing in through the nose, out through the nose, or mouth. Imagine a crystal clear turquoise light moving in and around the throat. Stay here for 1-3 minutes, perhaps finding ujjayi breath, allowing the air to nourish the pit of the throat.


  • Inhale fully. Exhale, keeping the heart lifted, gaze right.
  • Inhale center. Exhale from the mouth making a “ha” sound.
  • Inhale fully. Exhale, keeping the heart lifted, gaze left.
  • Inhale center. Exhale from the mouth making a “ha” sound.
  • Inhale lift the gaze. Exhale from the mouth making a “ha” sound, lower the chin to chest.
  • Interlace the fingers at the back of the head. Release the elbows towards one another finding a gentle stretch along the back of the neck. Take a few gentle swallows. Notice how it feels.
  • Inhale, lift the gaze, open the elbows wide. Imagine turquoise light filling the throat.
  • Exhale back to neutral.
  • Come to table top. 
  • Begin shifting left and right allowing yourself to move freely with the breath. 
  • Plant the left hand beneath the nose. Inhale, lift the right arm up. Exhale, thread the needle bringing the right arm under the left. Enjoy 3-5 breaths. 
  • Inhale, unwind. Exhale, table top.
  • Plant the right hand beneath the nose. lift the left arm up. Exhale, thread the needle bringing the left arm under the left. Enjoy 3-5 breaths. 
  • Inhale, unwind. Exhale, table top.
  • Enjoy a few rounds of cat-cow bringing awareness to the throat. Allow it to shine on the inhale, and to be nourished on the exhale. 
  • Walk the hands towards the body coming into hero’s pose, kneeling.
  • Option to place a folded blanket under the knees for support and to place blocks outside the feet setting up for supported camel.
  • Stand up on the knees and place the hands at the low back, fingers pointing down.
  • Inhale gaze up, exhale, send the hips, heart, and throat forward coming into camel. Option to keep hands where they are or to bring hands to blocks for more sensation. Stay for 3-5 breaths. 
  • If the hands came to blocks one at a time bring them to the low back.
  • Inhale lift the gaze. Exhale sink back, child’s pose.
  • Repeat camel one or two more times before coming back to child’s pose.
  • From child’s pose, reach the hands towards the heels and tuck the chin coming into rabbit. Be here for 3-5 breaths breathing into the cervical spine.
  • Slowly unwind. Come into hero’s pose preparing for lion’s breath.
  • Inhale fully, exhale stick out the tongue and make a sound. Repeat 2 more times. 


  • Sit in stillness allowing energy to move freely around the throat. Stay as long as you like. 

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