
Where Does Ayurvedic Diet Come From?

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Ayurvedic Nutrition

The ayurvedic diet is a method of eating in which your doshas determine what you should eat. This diet is built on the five fundamental elements,  earth, air, fire, water, and space.

The Ayurvedic diet comes from ancient Indian teachings called the Vedas. Hindu scripture with solid roots in Buddhism and eastern and western healthcare. This unique way of approaching food and nutrition goes back over 5,000 years.  

The principles behind Ayurveda were passed down from many generations, and it is still practiced today. Check out this article if you want to learn more about the Ayurvedic diet.

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic type of medicine based on the notion that any illness in the body comes from mind, body, and spirit imbalances. It is a holistic approach to health that considers the whole body. It is concerned with preserving health but not fighting disease. Treatments typically focus on specific health problems.

Students of this concept believe that if your mind, body, and spirit are aligned with the universe, you will have good health. When something interferes with the balance, it makes you sick. 

Some things that can harm the balance:


      • Congenital disabilities

      • Getting older or aging

      • Injuries or accidents

      • Seasons changing

      • Your beliefs and emotions

    Ayurveda is based on the five elements: water, air, fire, space, and earth and the elements work with life force energies called doshas, of which there are three: Kapha dosha,  Vata dosha, and Pitta dosha. People who subscribe to Ayurveda believe that sickness in the body is correlated with an imbalance of the doshas.

    Where Did Ayurveda Start?

    It is believed that this structure of medicine began in India more than 5,000 years ago in the course of the Vedic era. It is a well-organized system that includes both preventative and curative parts and is practiced in parts of Asia. This form of medicine’s preventive aspect includes herbal medicine, exercises, and yoga. Physiotherapy and diet are the curative aspects.

    The golden period of the Indian practice of medicine was from about 800 BCE until about 1000 CE. During this period, a physician created medical treaties known as the Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita, and the writings in Indian medicine were based on these treaties.

    Scientists collected the knowledge passed down through the centuries, and physicians tested these instructions, which proved their significance. This valuable information was given to the next generation of students and carried on throughout the ages. The knowledge of these texts was considered sacred.

    It goes back to its original Hindu teachings called Vaisheshika. The Vaisheshika school taught about how to care for the patient. The Sanskrit language further explains it in depth. The origin of Ayurveda appears to be from the Hindu god Brahma, called the creator of the universe.

    How Old Is the Ayurvedic Diet? 

    The Ayurvedic diet is as old as Ayurveda itself.

    It is more than 5,000 years old, and branches from the Hindu scriptures called the Vedas. It has its roots in ancient Buddhist philosophy and Eastern and western healthcare. 

    It has been one of the most well-respected traditional systems of medicine since its inception.

    Where Does Ayurvedic Diet Come from?

    The Ayurvedic diet began in India over 5,000 years ago. It comes from the philosophies of Ayurveda.

    The diet is based on the doshas and comes from the five elements. The doshas involve:


        • Kapha dosha is established on earth and water

        • Pitta dosha is based on fire and water

        • Vata dosha is based on space and air

      Each of these doshas falls into its category, and everyone fits in within a mixture of all the doshas. However, when it comes to individuals, all people have one dosha that is the most dominant.

      What Is the Basis for Ayurvedic Treatments?

      Ayurvedic treatments are part of the core principles of the Ayurvedic diet.

      The Ayurvedic treatments that are used along with doshas:


          • Diet changes

          • Exercises

          • Lifestyle changes

          • Meditation

          • Stretching

          • Yoga

        The doshas and treatments come from or are associated with Buddhism and originated in Sanskrit; an ancient text passed down from generation to generation.

        What Does the Ayurvedic Diet Entail?

        The Ayurvedic diet is based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine and provides guidance concerning recommendations of what to eat based on your body type.

        The Ayurvedic diet is an eating plan that sets guidelines of what to eat based on your dosha and body type. Your dosha determines what foods you should eat to encourage inner balance.  

        This diet is a serious discipline and can be a challenge to follow. Many celebrities have become devoted to it. Some of the celebrities that support this diet:


            • Cindy Crawford

            • Demi Moore

            • Gwyneth Paltrow

            • Madonna

          Let’s see what the doshas are.


          The Vata dosha is the most robust and controls the essential bodily functions and the mind. People with dominant Vata dosha are active in their lives but get tired easily. They may have issues such as constipation and bloating. Vatas should eat lots of soups and stews, bananas, berries, and freshly baked bread, and they should avoid spinach, carbonated drinks, hard cheeses, and caffeine.


          The Pitta dosha regulates metabolism, the digestive system, and hormones. Pittas are intelligent and have a healthy appetite and good digestion. Pittas should consume lots of dairy, broccoli, peppers, and quinoa, and they should avoid acidic foods, vinegar-based salad dressings, and meat.


          The Kapha dosha influences strength, steadiness, muscular tissue growth, weight, and the immune system. Kaphas should eat chicken, fish, apples, mangoes, peaches, leafy greens, and veggies grown above the ground, and they should avoid frozen foods, root vegetables, oils, and fats.

          Where Can I Learn About Ayurvedic Nutrition?

          You can learn more about Ayurvedic nutrition by taking an online course. You can learn more and earn an Ayurvedic Nutrition certification.

          My Vinyasa Practice Uplifting Collective Consciousness is a great class to learn more about this practice. Ayurvedic nutrition is only the start of what you can learn online with them. 

          You can take other related courses:


              • Chakras and pranayama energy

              • Meditation and mindfulness

              • Yoga for beginners

              • Yoga philosophy and history

            There are so many wonderful choices for this site, and you will find out how ayurvedic nutrition can help you become healthier and more in tune with your body. Each person has their dosha and their own unique needs that apply to them.


            Determining the best way to eat to make yourself feel better can be challenging. However, if you want to incorporate balance and support your health, the ayurvedic diet is a great option. Here is our guide on Common Ayurvedic Foods you might wanna take a look.

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