
The 5 Most Advanced Yoga Poses

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Nurturing Your Practice

For centuries, the ancient art of yoga has been used to connect the realms of physical, mental, emotional, and in some cases spiritual, the well-being of those seeking its life-changing benefits. But make no mistake, for millions of yogis around the world, yoga is all about challenging their bodies and improving fitness. There are hundreds of yoga poses but which ones are the most advanced to perform?

The most advanced yoga poses require high levels of strength, flexibility, and balance. There is also a mental aspect to performing difficult yoga poses as they require patience to learn the required physical skills and the discipline to train muscles and joints to hold the proper positions.

Are you an experienced yogi looking to challenge yourself by taking on the most difficult postures that yoga has to offer? Look no further because these 5 poses are among the most advanced yoga movements around and will be sure to put your skills and fortitude to the test.

What Is a Yoga Pose?

The physical aspect of yoga, which encompasses postures and body positioning, is one of the eight limbs of yoga that were first described many centuries ago. Also known as asanas, yoga poses are considered by many practitioners to be the central focus of modern yoga with millions of yogis around the world drawn to this ancient art for the way that performing its poses improves physical and mental well-being.

These are the main characteristics of yoga poses:

  • They require a combination of balance, flexibility, and, to some degree, strength
  • Quality instruction is critical for learning proper form and technique
  • Like any physical endeavor, it takes practice to execute yoga poses properly
  • Discipline and mental fortitude are essential to mastering any yoga pose
  • Breathing techniques and yoga poses go hand in hand

One of the most appealing aspects of yoga is its inclusivity. Regardless of body type, athletic ability, or prior experience, anyone can practice this ancient art and there are poses to suit every practitioner’s level.

What Makes a Yoga Pose Advanced?

There is a physical aspect to each and every yoga pose regardless of the difficulty level. After all, the very essence of why yogis practice asanas is to get the body into particular positions in order to reap certain physical and mental benefits.

But as yoga practitioners of all skill levels can attest, some poses are more difficult to perform than others. As a general rule, these are the factors that can determine how advanced yoga poses can be:

  • Balance – the most advanced yoga poses typically require a heightened sense of balance to perform moves like standing on one leg, supporting your weight on one or two hands, or even standing fully inverted in your head
  • Flexibility – the most advanced asanas also demand great flexibility to achieve complex, and very challenging, body positions
  • Strength – lastly, certain advanced yoga poses require considerable strength to support body weight and hold challenging body positions for extended periods

The most important thing to remember about performing the most advanced yoga positions is that few if any, yogis can perform them perfectly on the first attempt. It can take a lot of training and practice to develop the necessary skills.

What Is the Most Advanced Yoga Pose?

When watching experienced yogis twist and contort their bodies into pretzel-like shapes, it is easy to assume that the most advanced yoga poses are those in which limbs are stretched and positioned into seemingly impossible positions. But if there is a universal truth behind the practice of asanas, it is that all is not what they seem in yoga.

Case in point, take the corpse pose (savasana), which on the surface may appear to be the easiest yoga pose there is because all you have to do is lie down on your back, look straight up at the ceiling, and relax. How hard can that be? The answer lies in the fact that practicing asanas demands not only that the body strike poses but that it also acts in harmony with the mind (and thereby, emotions as well).

Ask any yoga practitioner and they will tell you that, in reality, the corpse pose is the most difficult pose to perform because it requires the practitioner to achieve attentive relaxation – a state where the mind and body are fully and deeply relaxed yet the consciousness remains mindful of the here and now of the moment at hand.

The 5 Most Advanced Yoga Poses

By most estimates, there are hundreds of recognized yoga poses that vary in level of difficulty from very easy beginner poses to extremely challenging poses reserved for only the most experienced and skilled yogis.

Are you looking to up your yoga game? Here are 5 of the most advanced yoga poses out there to add to your repertoire.

1. Formidable Face Pose (Gandha Bherundasana)

A peculiarity about many advanced yoga poses is that they are far more difficult to perform than they appear (for instance, the aforementioned corpse pose). But the formidable face pose is every bit as difficult as it looks and maybe then some. Not only does this asana require a full reverse flex of the back and spine but it also stretches and stresses all of the major leg muscle groups.

2. Crow Pose (Kakasana)

The crow pose requires flexibility, balance, and strength, with a particular emphasis on the latter two elements. In this semi-inverted posture, the practitioner’s weight is supported and balanced by both arms with both knees resting on the triceps and the toes of the feet pointed straight back.

The challenge with this very difficult asana is not only maintaining proper form but balancing your weight so as not to fall forward.

3. The Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

All three elements of strength, flexibility, and balance are on full display with the wheel pose as it requires practitioners to perform a reverse back bend and support the body’s weight on the hands and feet (which, by the way, are all pointed in the same direction). This advanced pose targets the leg and shoulder muscles and requires relaxed breathing to hold.

4. Yoga Sleeping Pose (Yoganidrasana)

The yoga sleeping pose has been known to make people (especially beginners) cringe at the very sight of it being performed. With the practitioner bent nearly in half at the waist and the legs brought all the way behind the head, it goes without saying that this movement requires extreme flexibility.

Ironically, once this pretzel-like asana is mastered, it is actually one of the most relaxing of poses, and expert yogis have been known to doze off in this position.

5. Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)

The headstand pose is an iconic posture in yoga and it is commonly referred to as the king of the asanas. Sirsasana, as this movement is known in Sanskrit, is a fully inverted pose where the practitioner’s body weight rests primarily on the crown of the head (hence, its name) with the elbows providing some stabilization.

This pose accelerates blood flow throughout the body, particularly the brain, and works the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and core. Balance can be very difficult to maintain and sirsasana requires a lot of practice to build up the stamina to hold the position for extended periods, even for experienced yogis.


Although yoga is widely practiced for its calming effects, a great many yogis take to the mat to burn calories and work up a good sweat. For these practitioners, of which there are certainly many, there are a number of advanced yoga poses that not only present a good physical challenge but also require a strong will.

Check out this article to learn sanskrit names of yoga poses.

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