
The Many Types of Yoga Teacher Training in a Nutshell

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Yoga Teacher Training


If you love yoga, a natural next step is to become a yoga teacher. To take on this role, you need to accomplish yoga teacher training. However, there are many available types. How are you supposed to tell the difference between all of them? What are the various options for yoga teacher training?

There are several types of yoga teacher training, including:

  • Hatha
  • Kundalini
  • Children’s
  • Advances
  • Specialty

These provide everything you need to become a successful instructor. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the types of yoga teacher training, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more about what yoga teacher training is and the multiple types of training available for interested teachers. In no time, you will become an expert in the yoga field of your choosing.

What is Yoga Teacher Training?

Yoga teacher training is the process of training teachers to instruct others in yoga. It involves teaching them various asanas, which build to official certification. Yoga teacher training is necessary if you want to become a trusted instructor in the yoga field of your choosing.

Yoga teacher training is worth it because it:

  • It provides a level of trust
  • It brings in more clients
  • It allows additional knowledge

You will benefit from the process.

Yoga has been around for a long time, and so has yoga training. In the modern world, you don’t want to get ancient teachings for brand-new students. Has yoga teacher training evolved, or has it remained stagnant over time?

How Has Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Evolved?

Yoga teacher training has evolved in many ways. One of the most prominent is in how it is taught. What was once only in-person is now available online.

Whether you have no job or work twenty hours a day, you can take on yoga teacher training online. There are many excellent classes available, made to work with your available time.

The Many Types of Yoga Teacher Training in a Nutshell

There are several types of yoga teacher training. We will discuss five of the most common to help you determine the best selection for your training needs.

Here are the types of yoga teacher training we will discuss:

These provide different experiences for interested instructors.

Let’s dive deeper into each option for yoga teacher training. The more you know about each choice, the better a decision you can make for your process of becoming a yoga instructor.


Hatha yoga focuses on the physical portion of yoga. It allows users to channel their energy into powerful positions, working to align and clarify the balance in the body. Hatha yoga is one of the most popular types of yoga.

There are several types of yoga that fall under hatha yoga, including:

  • Vinyasa
  • Ashtanga
  • Power Yoga
  • Bikram

These make up many yoga courses in popular studios.

Yoga teacher training in hatha yoga varies in intensity. You can receive training for less or more intense items based on your preferences. If you want to work with a form of yoga focused on balance and exercise, try hatha yoga as an instructor.


Kundalini yoga is another popular choice in the yoga world, rising in the last few years. It focuses on breathing in the position with chanting, meditation, and singing. It’s an all-inclusive form of yoga that allows the yogi to unfold their nature. It is full of tricky breath exercises.

People love Kundalini yoga because it:

  • Incorporates every part of the body
  • It allows the internal to come outside
  • It brings health benefits

Kundalini is a new form of yoga in the western world.

If you want to be part of a new trend in the west, take yoga teacher training in kundalini yoga. It’s a practical form of yoga that brings out a new side in many people.


Kids can do yoga too. For young minds, children’s yoga can benefit their developing brains. Kids typically won’t perform the same complicated moves as their elders, but they can participate in the process and enjoy the peace of a good stretch and movement in the morning.

Children’s yoga is ideal because you can help kids:

  • Manage their anxieties
  • Develop strength and flexible abilities
  • Improve mindfulness of the body
  • Form concentration abilities
  • Control their emotions

Yoga is a huge benefit to the younger audience, many of whom practice with their parents or another loved one.

If you want to bring yoga to a different age category, yoga teacher training for children is an excellent route. You also need to have access to a platform where practical instruction for children is possible in an ever-expanding yoga world.

Advanced (300 or 500)

If you want to become a yoga expert, you need to take many hours of yoga. Those interested in gaining an additional level of trust can add additional hours to their yoga instructor journey by taking a 300 or 500-hour training course. These are intensive and require more work from interested instructors. The main differences between 200,300 and 500 yoga teacher training.

If you are an experienced yogi with a desire to take your training to the next level, the pursuit of advanced yoga teacher training is an excellent next step. It takes more time, but it’s worth it if you want yoga teaching to become a core part of your career. Many studios are seeking advanced teachers to join their ranks for wanting students.

Specialty (Yin, Nidra and More)

Last up are the specialty yogas. These include types like yin and nidra yoga, which are more slow-paced. Rather than pushing your limits, they work to pull you into a space. Specialty yoga encourages flexibility and allows the mind to center itself in ways the world does not permit.

If you want to take a specialty yoga teacher training course, there are plenty out there. Studios search for yoga teachers with these niche training positions, so there is sure to be a place for you in the yoga industry.

Check out this article to learn about the different styles of yoga.

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