
Online Yoga Teacher Training In Australia

by | Jan 1, 2021 | Yoga Teacher Training

Finding Online Yoga Teacher Training In The Australia

Finding online yoga teacher training in Australia can be as easy as Googling “online yoga teacher training in Australia,” but is that really enough? These days you’ll get a flood of online yoga teacher training if you type this phrase into a search engine, yet it’s still a bit unclear how to decipher if the training is worth its weight. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different options available and help you to understand how to discern which training is best suited for you.

Finding The Best Online YTT

The first thing to research is whether the training was written by a qualified professional. In the United States, there are not as many rules as there are in Australia regarding Yoga Teacher Training regulations. In order to be a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals, a regulatory organization in Australia, a yoga school must demonstrate that its lead trainers have professional training in curriculum development and education. Many yoga teacher training programs are thrown together by instructors who have never built a curriculum before and this can be quite problematic. Yoga Schools that are affiliated with both Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance Professionals are the best bets when it comes to finding legitimate online training.

Secondly, it’s important to look at the content to make sure you will be getting a thorough education. Learning to teach yoga is a challenging endeavor, and it is essential to look at the school’s curriculum to determine if the school will meet your needs while covering topics that are important to you. A foundations training course, sometimes called a 200-hour yoga teacher training, will have the foundational philosophy and history in addition to the anatomy, physiology, sequencing, and ethics. If the syllabus isn’t on the website, or if you have questions, make sure to reach out to the school and ask for your questions to be answered. If your questions go unanswered you might want to find a different yoga school. 

Third, we recommend that you look for diversity in leadership. Look at the lead trainers as well as the teachers who support them to ensure that there is more than one voice. Lineage is important, too. The lead trainers work best together when they share a common lineage. In our training, we teach from the lineage of Krishnamacharya. Vinyasa yoga comes from his lineage because of Krishnamaricharia’s influence on B.K.S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and Desikachar. Hatha, Ashtanga, and Viniyoga all come together to create what we know as Vinyasa Flow. 

Do They Travel

You might also want to consider online training that hosts retreats in your area. We’ve been hosting retreats Internationally for a while, with 2022 destinations that include Iceland, Greece, and Bali. With over 42,000 users, many of who are Australia and New Zealand, we plan on hosting retreats and intensives in Australia once the pandemic eases up a bit. There are so many online yoga training on the market these days that it can be overwhelming. Many providers of online training do not offer travel opportunities, so if this is important to you make sure to ask if the yoga school plans on traveling after the pandemic. 

What About Insurance

If you’re in Australia it’s important to select an online yoga school that provides international students with insurance opportunities. Yoga Alliance Professionals is a professional organization in Australia that offers insurance to yoga teachers. Finding an online provider that is registered with an insurance provider is an important consideration. 

In Conclusion

Selecting an online yoga teacher training in Australia can be challenging with so many options available. Rest assured that it doesn’t have to be; you can find a school that is steeped in lineage, employees professional and educated lead trainers, and that offers opportunities for community involvement in person and online. Do your research and you’ll be in good hands.

In addition to offering a 200 hour yoga certification online in Australia, we also offer a 300 hour advanced yoga teacher certification online and a 500 hour total yoga teacher training certification online. All of our trianings are Yoga Alliance certified and internationally recognized.

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