Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners

As yogis and yoga teachers, we know that Yoga is for everybody. If you have a body, you can practice yoga! We also know that yoga is not just about the physical movements and that physical movement is just one piece to the self study puzzle. Not everyone is aware of...
An Introduction to Tantra Yoga

An Introduction to Tantra Yoga

Tantra yoga is often misunderstood in many societies today even though it is the root of where many schools of yoga come from. Tantra is an integrative system of yoga where many different yogic practices and techniques are combined to purify the gross body, the...
Understanding The Five Messengers

Understanding The Five Messengers

Have you ever felt disconnected, flawed, incomplete, less than, or bound by time and space? These are the five messengers that come up for us all from time to time. Richard Miller, who’s pioneer work with PTSD and iRest is highlighted in various online yoga teacher...
Yoga Asana

Yoga Asana

In the West, the practice of yoga tends to be associated with the physical practice, also known as asana. The sanskrit word asana can be directly translated to ‘sitting down’ or ‘seated posture’ but it is also the overarching term used to describe the physical...

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