
7 Tips for Nurturing Your Yoga Practice

by | Dec 1, 2022 | Nurturing Your Practice

Yoga is an exercise that requires dedication and perseverance. You must nurture your practice if you want to continue to thrive and get better. 

You need to set aside a particular place and time to practice yoga. Invest in a quality mat that functions well and is something you want to see every day. Inhale, exhale deeply and completely, and most importantly, relax and enjoy your yoga session.  

You can also break up your yoga practice two to three times daily if it is easier and more manageable for you. If you want to know seven tips for nurturing your yoga practice, you have come to the right place.

What is Yoga Practice?

Yoga is an exercise that engages the body and mind in perfect harmony. It combines the following:

  • Physical postures
  • Breathing techniques
  • Stretching 
  • Meditation

Yoga practice makes you feel stronger, healthier and grounded. It involves a lot of concentration to learn and practice. It connects the mind, body, and spirit. Some benefits of regularly practicing yoga include reducing stress, tension, anxiety, and depression. It lifts you up and gives you peace.  Check out this article about setting an intention for your yoga practice .

What Does Yoga Practice Look Like?

The asanas of yoga are known as “postures.” Posture refers to the position you hold with the body and breath when you practice yoga. The different asanas include:

  • Seated yoga poses
  • Standing yoga poses
  • Supine yoga poses
  • Prone yoga poses

All of the above have their place in the practice of yoga. The different postures work together to create a well-balanced yoga session.  

Seated Yoga Poses

Seated yoga poses are positions in hatha yoga. These include postures that require you to be straight-legged or sit with your legs crossed. You may also perform forward folds and twists with the legs or butt on or close to the floor. These positions are often found in hatha yoga.

Standing Yoga Poses.

You should seek the guidance of a certified yoga instructor when learning these poses, as they are a bit more complex and involved. The Mountain Pose is the first standing pose you should learn. Standing yoga poses work your legs, glutes, and core muscles. 

Supine Yoga Poses

Supine yoga poses are performed lying down on your back. They are suitable for afflictions like insomnia and anxiety. Some of the popular lying down poses:

  • Corpse pose
  • Happy baby
  • Bridge pose 
  • Supine twist

Supine yoga poses are excellent for decreasing stress levels, improving flexibility, and grounding. They can also release tension in the neck, shoulders, and back. 

Prone Yoga Poses

Prone yoga poses are performed with the belly or torso touching or facing the floor. These poses help flush toxins from the body and strengthen the heart and lungs. They can also be used to build strength in the leg muscles, hips, and back and promote flexibility in the hamstring muscles.

7 Tips for Nurturing Yoga Practice

Finding enough time in the day to practice yoga may be challenging. Life gets busy, and we cannot always take time for ourselves. You may also struggle with making gradual improvements over time, as we often get stuck in ruts and do not progress as fast as we would like to. You need to try the following ways to nurture your yoga practice:

1. Carve Out Time for Yoga

Setting aside time to work on your health can be difficult, primarily when you work every day and the routine becomes monotonous. However, you can carve out some time to practice yoga. Almost anyone can find a spare ten minutes. Try taking ten minutes twice a day to practice a few poses when you rise and are getting ready for sleep. 

You can think of it as a new healthy habit, like brushing your teeth, that will be good for you. If you can find the time, you will nurture your practice. You will feel calmer and more centered, which can even help your career. Time well spent always pays off. 

2. Set An Intention Before You Start

Before you start each yoga session, set an intention of what you would like to accomplish. You may want to feel more awake and energized in the morning, in which case an upward salute or locust pose will help you. A child’s pose or supine twist would be more appropriate if you wish for more restful sleep. You set the intention, make it clear in your mind, and put it into action.

3. Create a Peaceful Home Space to Practice

Even the most dedicated yogi misses a class or two, and that is where a peaceful home space set aside for yoga practice comes into play. To practice yoga, you should create a space in your home free of noise and clutter. You can make it your own sanctuary, light some candles, and put on relaxing music. Remove any distractions such as tv or phone, and you are good to go.

4. Have a Quality Yoga Mat

A quality yoga mat is essential for helping you maintain your balance and to make sure you have the correct posture. If you are doing hot yoga or another form of yoga that induces heat and sweat, you want a mat that does not become sticky or one that makes you slip. If you have back or joint pain, you may want to invest in a thicker mat. 

You also want to invest in a yoga mat that can last a long time. You also want a mat with a good grip, and you want it to be comfortable. Design and color are also important for some people because your unique color will help you align with yourself. The right color and design can even elevate your yoga practice.

5. Respect the Limits of Your Own Body

Remain stable and comfortable within your yoga asanas. You will get much more out of yoga practice if you overdo it. However, there is no excuse for being lazy. Do the poses that challenge you but also keep you grounded. You can create more anxiety and stress by trying too hard to perform a pose that your body does not feel safe with. 

6. Just Breathe (Deeply)

Breathing deeply in yoga can help you avoid injury. Long, deep breaths will help you maintain your posture for longer. Breathing can also put you in a deep meditative state. The rhythmic aspect of breathing in and out creates transformation within and helps to purify and detoxify the body. The deeper the breath, the better your circulation and control. 

Breath is an essential part of yoga practice. Incorrect breathing will create a troubled mind that cannot relax and enjoy the exercise. Inhale deep within your diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles, and exhale softly through your nose for the best results. 

7. Maintain Good Alignment

Having good alignment in your yoga practice will help you achieve the most benefits, helps to avoid injury, and make you comfortable when you are practicing. If you are not in proper alignment, it can cause serious problems. Performing yoga in the proper alignment will allow you to gradually strengthen your practice and learn the correct posture, which you can utilize all day long.

Final Thoughts

Yoga is a practice that you need to nurture and take care of. Yoga teaches you to be a calmer, more patient individual. You can always take what you learn in yoga and use it, as yoga is not just an exercise but a way of life.

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