Sacral Chakra Vinyasa

Sacral Chakra Vinyasa

What is your sacral chakra? Known in Sanskrit as svadhisthana chakra, the sacral chakra is represented by the element water. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine. Svadhisthana is the second of seven...
Root Chakra Vinyasa Sequence

Root Chakra Vinyasa Sequence

What is your root chakra? Known in Sanskrit as Muladhara chakra, the root chakra is represented by the element earth. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine and Muladhara is the first of seven chakras. It...
Psychic Abilities

Psychic Abilities

Awakening Psychic Abilities Michelle Young, owner of My Vinyasa Practice, is proud to announce her new Psychic Abilities Course; designed to help you develop your psychic abilities. I started having psychic experiences when I was a small child. When I was around nine...

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