Crown Chakra Vinyasa Sequence

Crown Chakra Vinyasa Sequence

What is your crown chakra? Known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara Chakra, the crown chakra is the seventh chakra. It sits at the top of the chakra system connecting us to universal consciousness and ultimate truth. In yogic philosophy, the chakras are subtle bodies, or energy...
Third Eye Chakra Vinyasa

Third Eye Chakra Vinyasa

What is your third eye chakra? Known in Sanskrit as Ajna chakra, the third eye chakra, according to Samkhya philosophy, is represented by the element mahat, or maha tattva. It’s important to note here that according to yoga and Samkhya philosophy, the earth elements...
Throat Chakra Vinyasa

Throat Chakra Vinyasa

What is your throat chakra? Known in Sanskrit as vishuddha chakra, the throat chakra is represented by the element ether or space. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine. Vishuddha is the fifth of seven...
Heart Chakra Vinyasa

Heart Chakra Vinyasa

  What is your heart chakra? Known in Sanskrit as Anahata chakra, the heart chakra is represented by the element air. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine. Anahata is the fourth of seven chakras and...
Solar Plexus Vinyasa Sequence

Solar Plexus Vinyasa Sequence

What is your solar plexus chakra? Known in Sanskrit as manipura chakra, the solar plexus chakra is represented by the fire element. In yoga philosophy, chakras are subtle bodies, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine. Manipura is the third of seven...

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