Embracing Rituals: The Art of Finding Balance in Your Daily Routine In our fast-paced world, the daily grind can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and yearning for a sense of balance. With the demands of work, family, and personal growth, it’s no...
Somatic therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking approach in the field of mental health, offering a holistic perspective on healing and transformation. By incorporating practices such as Somatic Experiencing, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, therapists trained in...
Siddhis To understand clairsentience, we should first define psychic energy. Psychic energy is an example of subtle energy. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, subtle energy, or subtle bodies, can be understood as vibrations that manifest as thoughts, feelings, matter,...
Siddhis To understand clairvoyance, we should first define psychic energy. Psychic energy is an example of subtle energy. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, subtle energy, or subtle bodies, can be understood as vibrations that manifest as thoughts, feelings, matter,...
Psychic Energy When people start talking about energy things get pretty convoluted pretty quick. People’s perceptions of what energy looks and feels like can be quite different. Empaths understand energy to be beyond the physical realm, but the average...