Grounding Practices

Grounding Practices

There are times in our lives when we need a little bit of grounding, be you a young and new yogi or a seasoned veteran yogi.  You might feel as though you’re moving quickly and can’t catch your breath, or may you feel as if you are stuck in the thinking phase and...
Self Compassion

Self Compassion

As yogis and yoga teachers, most of us know well the feeling of being compassionate and holding space for others. While this is a beautiful benefit of teaching yoga, it is also important to turn around, practice self compassion and hold space for oneself. The need to...
Understanding The Five Messengers

Understanding The Five Messengers

Have you ever felt disconnected, flawed, incomplete, less than, or bound by time and space? These are the five messengers that come up for us all from time to time. Richard Miller, who’s pioneer work with PTSD and iRest is highlighted in various online yoga teacher...

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