The Power of Mindfulness in Education In a world full of distractions, cultivating mindfulness in education is like planting seeds of focus, self-regulation, and emotional well-being in the hearts and minds of students. It’s no surprise that educators are...
Yoga has become increasingly popular as people look for practices to release tensions, stress, and other feelings of dis-ease. In the past few years, we have even seen the emergence of many online yoga studios. With so many options to choose from, you might find...
Sun Salutations are a staple of the sequencing of any Vinyasa Yoga class in the West. But what are sun salutations and where did they come from? The Sanskrit phrase for this is Surya Namaskar and when we break it down, we can see the direct translation. Surya is...
Pranayama is an ancient practice that is used to harness the energetic power of the breath as a tool for personal practice. It is also the fourth limb of Patanajli’s eight limbed path, or ashtanga yoga, as set forth in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It comes after...
*This article was written by Ashlyn Rochester for My Vinyasa Practice* In our Yoga Teacher Training, we learn about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. There are four books and book two covers the 8 Limbs of Yoga. As a review the 8 Limbs are: Yama (abstinence) Niyama...